event 03 janv. 2025

Poster // Mapping irrigated agriculture in Senegal River Valley and Delta

By Laurent Bruckann. A reproducible framework for mapping seasonal irrigation and flood recession agriculture in the Senegal River valley and delta, based on Earth Observation (EO) data.

Poster mapping irrigated agriculture in senegal

Poster presentation by Laurent Bruckann, Andrew Ogilvie, Didier Martin, Awa Niang Fall, Amaury Tilmant at the EO for Africa Symposium 2024


Food and agriculture are key to African livelihoods and to the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem nexus. In the Senegal River Basin (SRB), the main challenge for water management and rural development lies in the Sahel Valley. Since 1960, irrigation has been developed in the valley to diversify agricultural livelihoods and to cope with the drought of the 1970s and 80s. With the future construction of dams and reservoirs in the coming decades, it is important to assess their impact on the WEFE nexus. As the SRB is a transboundary watershed, it is difficult to obtain official data on irrigated agricultural land. It should be noted that not all agricultural livelihoods are monitored by official services. This is particularly the case with flood recession agriculture (FRA), which is based on the use of floodwater as a resource. To fill this gap, it is necessary to monitor and map the diversity of agricultural systems, especially irrigated ones. To this end, we propose a reproducible framework for mapping seasonal irrigation and flood recession agriculture in the Senegal River valley and delta, based on EO data and the use of a deep learning algorithm.


Mapping irrigated agriculture in Senegal River Valley and Delta (PDF)

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