event 03 janv. 2025

Policy Brief // Realizing Africa's water-energy-food-ecosystem-health nexus: a resilient future for nature and people

By K. Akpoti and colleagues. As Africa navigates the impacts of climate change and other socioeconomic challenges, its sustainable development is contingent on a delicate balance between water, energy, food, ecosystems, and health. The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem-Health (WEFEH) Nexus underscores these sectors' critical interconnectedness and interdependence.

Agnes policy brief realising africas water energy

Key messages

  1. The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem-Health (WEFEH) nexus is fundamental for Africa’s transformation and sustainable development.
  2. The WEFEH Nexus approach supports the goals and aspirations outlined in the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the AU Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2032).
  3. The WEFEH emphasizes on Integrated Solutions and Collaborative Knowledge Creation by underscoring the need for a balanced synergy between technological innovation and local knowledge for a resilient and sustainable future.
  4. The nexus approach must be tailored to African realities, encompassing diverse communities, climates, economies, and cultures.
  5. Urgent and sustained action and paradigm shift through the WEFEH nexus approach is imperative to secure Africa's future for Nature and People.


June 2024


African Group of Negotiators Export Support (AGNES)


Realizing Africa's water-energy-food-ecosystem-health nexus: a resilient future for nature and people

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