event 26 sept. 2019

Nexus Conference Bolivia // El Foro Nexus Rumbo al 2025

On October 1st 2019, the “Foro Nexo Rumbo al 2025” takes place at the Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo” in La Paz, Bolivia. The focus of the event is the intersectoral cooperation between the sectors of water, energy, agriculture and sustainable development towards meeting the 2025 Patriotic Agenda of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, promoting an exchange between national and international organizations linked to the WEF Nexus.

Foro titelbild


On October 1st 2019, the “Foro Nexo Rumbo al 2025” takes place at the Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo” in La Paz, Bolivia. The event is organized by the Bolivian Ministries of Development Planning, Environment and Water, Rural Development and Lands, Energy and the GIZ Programmes Nexus Regional Dialogue Latin America and Nexus Bolivia. The focus of the event is the intersectoral cooperation between the sectors of water, energy, agriculture and sustainable development towards meeting the 2025 Patriotic Agenda of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, promoting an exchange between national and international organizations linked to the WEF Nexus.

The forum will be held in Spanish.

Live-stream and online-participation

The whole event will be live-streamed via the Nexus Resource Platform and participants will have the opportunity to send questions on the different topics and contribute to the discussions!

Please find the links to the live-streaming here.



Download the Agenda here.

After an introduction to the WEF Nexus in Latin America and Bolivia with speakers from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, the Ministry of Development Planning of Bolivia and GIZ GmbH (Session 1), there will be four parallel sessions. Each of the session will be live-streamed. The sessions cover the following topics:

14:00 – 16:00

The Nexus as a tool for the eradication of extreme poverty, speakers from the Municipal Government of Tapacarí, the National Statistics Institute, the United Nations Development Programme and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.

14:00 – 16:00

Public policy planning NEXO, speakers Vice-Ministry of Planning and Coordination, Vice-Ministry of Public Investment and External Financing, Economic and Social Policy Analysis Unit.

16:30 – 18:30

Mechanisms for intersectoral coordination, speakers from the Platform for Irrigated Production, Inter-institutional Committee for the Goals of PDES and ODS, Technical Committee of the National Food and Nutrition Council and Inter-institutional Platform for Basin Management.

16:30 – 18:30

Multipurpose systems (dams), speakers Vice-Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, State Autonomy Service, National Electricity Company of Bolivia

Overview sessions

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