event 04 mai 2023

WEF Nexus Book // Let's unravel this Knot! Water-energy-food guide for kids

Making the WEF Nexus accessible to all - including children. Anna Sperotto, has written a book with the support of the Basque Centre for Climate change (BC3), tailored to children addressing the interrelationships of the water-energy-food nexus approach.

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In this book the readers discover how to track the invisible water hidden in most of the objects we use every day, investigating its links with energy, food and ecosystems. It presents how water affects our lifestyle and the life of other humans in other regions of the globe. The material can be used by teachers, educators and science enthusiastic to raise awareness about the importance of the WEF nexus approach to solve some of the main global sustainability challenges.

The project

UNTWIST is an EU-funded project aiming to advance the understanding of Water Energy and Food interactions through the lens of ecosystem services supporting integrated management and governance of the nexus under global change scenarios.


The material in the book is divided into three sub-themes:

  1. Natural Resources: Nature is everywhere. Learn how ecosystems contribute to the water, energy and food resources that we all use in our daily life.
  2. The problem: Our footprint on the planet is too heavy. Try to predict the future to see how it may look like if we don’t change our lifestyle.
  3. Solutions: A better future is in our hands. Discover most creative and funny solutions to ensure the sustainability of our planet.


Click here to download the English version of the book. The book will also be available in Italian, Basque and Spanish languages soon.

Further Information

Please find more information about the project here.

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