event 10 juil. 2024 time 12:00 UTC location Online (Zoom)

Webinar // Spatially explicit approaches at the food–biodiversity–climate nexus

Achieving food, biodiversity, and climate goals in tandem requires managing land-use systems for multiple purposes. This NEXUS Gains Talk will focus on using spatial datasets to guide and prioritize interventions on and off-farm to support food security, biodiversity conservation, and climate mitigation objectives.

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Spatially explicit approaches at the food–biodiversity–climate nexus

Wednesday July 10, 2024 | 12:00–13:00 UTC | 08:00–09:00 EST / 17:30–18:30 IST

Achieving food, biodiversity, and climate goals in tandem requires managing land-use systems for multiple purposes. This NEXUS Gains Talk will focus on using spatial datasets to guide and prioritize interventions on and off-farm to support food security, biodiversity conservation, and climate mitigation objectives.

Sarika Mittra will present an approach to agrobiodiversity hotspot and production system threat mapping – used to pinpoint places where increasing farm- and landscape-level plant and tree diversity can provide multiple benefits.

Federico Frank will discuss an integrated modeling approach used to downscale results from the FABLE Calculator food and land-use system model and provide land-use prioritization maps aimed at achieving food security, biodiversity, and water conservation goals in tandem.

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  • Sarika Mittra, Consultant, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
  • Federico Frank, Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis and Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria

Find out more about past webinars on the NEXUS Gains Talks landing page, with links to summaries, recordings, and presentation downloads. Subscribe to the NEXUS Gains newsletter to be notified about upcoming talks.

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