event 29 avr. 2021 time 17:00 CEST

Webinar // From Theory to Practice - How the Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions Method Aligns with Real-World Projects

This webinar is the second in a three-part series on nature-based solutions (NBS) for watersheds. The webinar series is part of the Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds project, being undertaken by the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, Pacific Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Danone, and LimnoTech. This webinar will showcase how the method developed by the project team aligns with the outcomes and outputs from existing corporate NBS case studies across forest and wetland habitats.


29 April 2021, 11am-12pm PT / 5-6pm CET

This webinar is the second in a three-part series on nature-based solutions (NBS) for watersheds. The webinar series is part of the Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds project, being undertaken by the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate, Pacific Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Danone, and LimnoTech. This webinar will showcase how the method developed by the project team aligns with the outcomes and outputs from existing corporate NBS case studies across forest and wetland habitats.


Jehanne Fabre

Head of Water Stewardship Program @Danone

Jehanne Fabre has worked in bridging public and private sector interests for 12 years. Her expertise includes developing innovative projects driven by collective action at a landscape scale and designing strategies aimed at unlocking opportunities of blended finance. She leads high-level consultations, multi-stakeholder coalitions, and fundraising efforts. She has worked for UNESCO, the French Ministry of Agriculture, and the consulting firm Public Affairs Asia. She has worked in several countries, including China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, and South Africa. Jehanne holds a master’s degree in Public Policies Analysis from the Institute of Political Studies of Lyon.

Emilio Tenuta

Senior Vice President, Corporate Sustainability @Ecolab

Emilio Tenuta’s 36-year tenure at Ecolab includes 25 years of technical and marketing management experience. In the past eleven years Emilio has led Ecolab’s strategic sustainability journey focused on corporate responsibility, internal environmental stewardship and helping customers operate more sustainably. He is actively involved in advancing global sustainability practices, with a significant focus on water stewardship and climate. In partnership with S&P Trucost, and a multi-stakeholder advisory group, Emilio led the development of the Water Risk Monetizer – industry’s first financial modeling tool to assess water-related risks, and the Smart Water Navigator, a free online tool to help businesses improve water management and achieve their water reduction targets. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and a master’s degree in Business from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management. Todd Bridges

Senior Research Scientist for Environmental Science @US Army Corps of Engineers

Todd Bridges is the U.S. Army’s Senior Research Scientist for Environmental Science. He leads research and technology application in the areas of sustainable infrastructure and environmental management for the U.S. Army and the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Todd is the National Lead for the USACE Engineering with Nature® initiative which began in 2010 to advance the use of nature-based solutions through a combination of research, field demonstration and implementation, and strategic communication. Over the last 25 years, Dr. Bridges has published more than 60 journal articles, book chapters, books and numerous technical reports. He received his B.A. (1985) and M.A. (1988) in Biology/Zoology from California State University, Fresno and his PhD. (1992) in Biological Oceanography at North Carolina State University.


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A recording of the webinar will be made available to those who register.

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