event 25 août 2024 time 07:30 29 août 2024 time 17:00 (UTC+02:00) location Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, Sweden and Online

Water Conference // Stockholm World Water Week 2024

World Water Week’s 2024 theme ‘Bridging borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future’ focuses on water cooperation for peace and security. It requires recognizing the regional and global interconnectivity of communities and nations and how water-related solutions are key to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future

About World Water Week

In a complex and fast-moving world, SIWI offers World Water Week as a setting for people to meet, discuss and move ahead; an inclusive place of hope and positive thinking; and a safe space where participants can be heard and contribute to the discussions.

Each World Water Week comprises a wide variety of sessions ranging from specialist scientific discussions to broad public policy debates. To create a structured and collective sense of purpose for all those sessions, SIWI concentrates each Week on one theme, selected both to set and to reflect the global agenda. The Week is designed to raise awareness of the theme, to advance the debate, to reach new consensus and to learn from different sectors.

World Water Week offers water as a tool to help people achieve their aims and to solve many of humanity’s most pressing problems. In the years 2023-2027, SIWI particularly offers World Water Week as an arena to implement the commitments made at the UN 2023 Water Conference.

The 2024 World Water Week Theme

World Water Week 2024 will focus on water cooperation, for peace and security in its broadest sense: human security, food and nutrition security, ecosystem security, energy security, etc. – and the relationship between all of these. (See below for further examples and a guide to relevant terminology). The breaking down of all forms of silos is a key component for successful cooperation, as captured in the title “Bridging borders: Water for a peaceful and sustainable future”.

Discover the World Water Week 2024 Programme here!


Join World Water Week on-site in Stockholm or free online. Register here.

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