event 22 mars 2023 time 13:15 EST location New York

UN Water Conference Side Event // “Too much and too little – Accelerating IWRM for climateresilient water management and ecosystem conservation”

Germany, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Niger Basin Authority cordially invite you to the joint high-level side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference “Too much and too little – Accelerating IWRM for climate-resilient water management and ecosystem conservation”, happening on March 22nd, 2023, 1:15 pm EST.

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About the event

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as well as holistic approaches considering the Nexus between water, energy, food security and ecology are critical to manage the available water resources sustainably while protecting and conserving the water-related ecosystems that hold the potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This side event showcases how water-related challenges can be tackled both at national and transboundary level by strengthening the interlinkage between water and climate.

In 2023, the German Environmental Ministry joins forces with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development of the Democratic Republic of Congo (bilateral cooperation) and the Niger Basin Authority (basin-wide transboundary cooperation) to launch two new projects as part of the German government’s International Climate Initiative (IKI): (1) “Water-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus in the Democratic Republic of Congo” and (2) “Integrated Water Resources Management in the Niger Basin”.

Both projects have been submitted as joint commitments under the Water Action Agenda of the UN 2023 Water Conference and contribute to tackling the specific water- and climate-related challenges of DRC and the Niger basin.

High-level representatives from both regions will highlight how IWRM and cross-sectoral Nexus approaches can function as catalyzers for the achievement of the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement and the UN Convention for Biological Diversity, amongst others.


1:15 p.m


Moderation: Abou Amani, Director, Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO

1:20 p.m

High-level Segment

  • H.E. Ms Steffi Lemke, Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, Federal Republic of Germany
  • H.E. Ms Ève Bazaiba Masudi, Vice-Prime Minister, Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • H.E. Mr Aly Seydouba SOUMAH, Minister for Energy, Water and Petroleum, Republic of Guinea
  • H.E. Ms Garama Saratou RABIOU INOUSSA, Minister for Environment and Desertification Control, Niger Republic
  • H.E. Mr Suleiman Hussein ADAMU, Federal Minister of Water Resources, Federal Republic of Nigeria
  • H.E. Mr Abderahim Bireme Hamid, Executive Secretary Niger Basin Authority

1:50 p.m


Moderation: Ms Miriam Haritz, Deputy Director General, German Environmental Ministry


  • Mr Rashid Mbaziira, Executive Secretary, AMCOW
  • Ms Kelsey Harpham, Project Manager Water Tracker, AGWA
  • Mr James Dalton, Director, IUCN
  • Ms Vidhisha Samarasekara, Strategic Program Director, IWMI
  • Mr Pablo Vieira, Global Director, NDC Partnership Support Unit

Questions from the floor

2:25 p.m

Outlook and Closing

More information and registration

Join us at the UN Headquarters, Special Event Room (CR2) or join the livestream here.

Please find more information in the official invitation.

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