event 27 sept. 2021 time 15:00 08 oct. 2021 time 15:45 CEST

Virtual conference // Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021

The Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021 will take place virtually. It will bring together leading figures from governments, international organisations, the scientific community, the private sector, and civil society through a series of online workshops and webinars organised in collaboration with a diverse range of organisations from the community of practice. This year´s conference focuses on inclusive and joint-up approaches at the local, national, regional, and multilateral levels.

Header webseite bcsc2021 final

September 27 - October 8

2021 has been and continues to be an important year for climate security, with several unique opportunities for progress on the international agenda. However, while climate change is now widely recognized as a “threat multiplier” or “risk multiplier”, concrete entry points still need to be identified to operationalise the debate on the ground and move from analysis to action.

The 2021 Berlin Climate and Security Conference aims to fill this gap. It will offer spaces to strengthen and support the community of practice, explore how more comprehensive climate and security risk assessments could help create a forward-looking and preventative foreign and security policy, and share good practices in order to inform multilateral, regional and local approaches to addressing climate-related drivers of conflict and instability. The conference will address a range of topics related to climate security, including gender, cross-sectoral approaches to climate security, mediation, peacekeeping and peacebuilding, adaptation, and many more. For more information take a look at the sub-section BCSC 2021.

In 2020, the Berlin Climate Security Conference was the global meeting space to discuss how climate change is affecting peace and security. Following the kick-off of Weathering Risk − the global climate and security risk and foresight assessment − in 2020, and the launch of the Berlin Call for Action in 2019, this is the third iteration of the event. The Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021 is hosted by the German Federal Foreign Office in partnership with adelphi.


Please find the final conference agenda here.


Registration to the individual sessions is now open. More information about each session and on how to participate is hyperlinked on the respective calendar item in the agenda.

Related articles

- Conference // Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 - Part II

- Blog // Interview with first-ever NL Regional Envoy for Water & Energy Security in MENA

- Technical Report // Climate-related Security Risks and Peacebuilding in Mali

- Nexus Fact Sheet // Frexus: Improving security and climate resilience in a fragile context through the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus

- Nexus Blog // Experts’ Panel on Water, Food and Energy Nexus as a Resource for Peace

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