event 15 Apr 2021 time 13:45 UTC+3

Webinar // Understanding, valuing water, and managing irrigated agriculture in the Nile basin

The Nile Basin Development Forum is organised by the Nile Basin Initiative. This session is co-convened by the Water Land and Environment (WLE) and International water Management Institute (IWMI) and will address three leading questions: (1) What is the extent of land resources base? (2) How are the trend of expansion of irrigated agriculture under different scenarios? and, (3) What are scopes for water-saving through the employment of various innovative irrigation methods?


April 15, 2021 1:45-4:00 UTC+3

Forum Description

The virtual webinars of the 6th Nile Basin Development Forum, organised by the Nile Basin Initiative and partners, launched on the 9th of March and will continue until the 29th of April 2021. This year’s theme is “Rethinking regional investments in the Nile Basin : Water | Energy | Food | Environment | Climate Change”.

Event Description

This session will address three leading questions: (1) What is the extent of land resources base? (2) How are the trend of expansion of irrigated agriculture under different scenarios? and, (3) What are scopes for water-saving through the employment of various innovative irrigation methods?

Co-Convenors: Water Land and Environment (WLE) and International water Management Institute (IWMI)

Host: Amare Haileslassie (IWMI)


  • Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook
  • Paul Ayella, Prof. Ishii Atsushi, Prof. Satoh Masayoshi,
  • Leul Kahsay, Amare Haileslassie
  • Dr. Eltigani Elnour B. Abdelgalil
  • Dr. Amgad Elmahdi, Dr. Amare Haileslassie, Dr. Alan Nicol,
  • Dr. Fitsum Hagos, Dr, Tewodros N. Kahsay, Dr. Amare Haileslassie
  • Dr. Kiran Chandrasekharan, Dr. Amare Haileslassie;Dr. Semu Ayalew Moges,
  • Dr. Tewodros Assefa et. al.
  • Dr. Semu Moges and Amare Haileslessie


(Nile-TAC member or Nile-SEC): Keynote on state of irrigated agriculture in the Nile basin

Prof. Stefan Uhlenbrook (IWMI): Resilience and sustainability through scaling irrigation intensification: what for Nile basin?

Dr. Kiran Chandrasekharan, Dr. Amare Haileslassie, Dr. Semu Ayalew Moges (Ethiopia):Mapping land suitability for irrigation in the Nile Basin

Dr. Semu Moges and Amare Haileslassie (Ethiopia): Rethinking cooperative irrigation management in the Nile Basin: projected irrigation development scenarios and the role of water-saving and cooperative water management

Paul Ayella, Prof. Ishii Atsushi, Prof. Satoh Masayoshi (Uganda): An analysis of water management for high productivity in large paddy irrigation schemes in Uganda

Dr. Tewodros Assefa et. al. (Ethiopia): Impacts of conservation agriculture with drip irrigation in the sub-humid Ethiopian highlands: an experiment and modeling study

Dr. Fitsum Hagos, Dr, Tewodros N. Kahsay and Dr. Amare Haileslassie (Ethiopia) Economic value of water for irrigation in the Nile Basin

Leul Kahsay and Dr Amare Haileslassie: Need and approach for initiating benchmarking irrigation performance in the Nile Basin

Dr. Amgad Elmahdi, Dr. Amare Haileslassie, and Dr. Alan Nicol. (Ethiopia): New policies direction for irrigation development in the Nile Basin

Moderator: Dr Abdulkarim Seid: Panel discussion and additional contribution (panelists contribution with guided questions)

Dr Abdulkarim Seid: Wrap up and summary of key messages


Register for the webinar on zoom here

Further Information

Session summaries will be uploaded on the event page here after the conclusion of session. Visit the Nile Basin Development Forum website here for more information on all sessions.

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