Water-Migration Nexus Panel at the WWF8 // Water Stress and Human Migration: Making the Link
The event will focus on the linkages between water stress and migratory movements globally. Countries, UN agencies and the audience will identify the water related drivers of migration in different regions of the globe, showcase diverse migratory experiences, including opportunities and challenges, of different countries and best practices to improve water security and the livelihoods of rural communities, including refugees, elaborate on required interventions on the water sectors to address migration, including policy, investment, data needs and partnerships; and discuss ways and means of cooperation to ensure a safe and orderly channel for population movements.
Panel at the 8th World Water Forum in Brazil.
Migration is a universal and common process and is linked to development in multiple ways. When mainstreamed in broader frameworks, especially in development planning, migration can benefit the communities at both origin and destination. Migrants can and do support their home communities through remittances as well as the knowledge and skills they acquire in the process while contributing to the host communities’ development. Safe, orderly and regular migration can contribute to agricultural development, economic growth, food security and rural livelihoods. Migration can also be a part of climate change adaptation efforts. Yet, those migrants who are poor and low-skilled face the biggest challenges emanating from migration that occurs on involuntary, unsafe and irregular basis.
Where and when
Alvorada Auditorium
19 Mar 2018
- H.E. Helder Barbalho, Minister of National Integration, Brazil
- H.E. Suleiman Hussein Adamu, Minister, Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Nigeria
- H.E. Charafat Afilal, Secretary of State in charge of water, Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Logistics and Water, Morocco
- H.E. María García Rodriguez, Secretary of State for Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, Spain
- H.E. Teresa Ribeiro, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Development, Portugal
- Mr. Erik Solheim, Executive Director, UN Environment
- Ms. Oyun Sanjaasuren, Chair, Global Water Partnership
- Prof. Ahmet Saatci, President, Turkish Water Institute, Turkey
- Ms. Isabel Marquez, UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Representative in Brazil
- Mr. Eduardo Mansur, Director, Land and Water Division, FAO
- Mr. Jerome Delli Priscoli, Editor-in-chief, Water Policy
This high-level panel has been organized by FAO on behalf of UN-Water.