Virtual conference // Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association Conference 2021
This year’s 30th Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place on October, 3-8 2021. With consideration of COVID-19 travel impacts, the Conference will be virtual. However, the virtual platform will still offer robust networking and opportunities to share ideas and expand knowledge. In addition, there will be cultural highlights of the Cayman Islands throughout the event.
October 3-8, 2021
About the CWWA
The Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) is a regional non-governmental organization established by an Act of Parliament in Trinidad & Tobago in 1991. The CWWA is a grouping of water, wastewater, and solid waste professionals in the public and private sectors.
You can register here. Ticket price is 100 USD.
Further information
More information and updates can be found on the CWWA website. You can also follow CWWA on Twitter and Facebook.
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