event 07 Apr 2019 time 00:00 12 Apr 2019 time 00:00

Session at EGU General Assembly 2019 // Sustainable Water Storage for Food and Energy Production

Superficial water storage is essential to sustain and stabilize water supply, food and energy production, reduce hydro-climatological hazards, and adapt to climate change. Synergistic approaches to respond to both food and energy needs and an integrated management of water are essential to respond to the WEF Nexus, in particular to attain the Sustainable Development Goals 2, 6 and 7. In that sense, dams and reservoirs play a major role in socio-economic development and presently we witness a renewed interest in constructing new dams and reservoirs, mainly in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, while changes in operation and construction practices are almost inexistent.

Gonz ddl 804125 unsplash
https://unsplash.com/photos/OjAqQYtz-Ew (C) Gonz DDL / Unsplash

Conventional practices related to the construction and operation of dams and reservoirs, lead in the past to undesired social and environmental impacts. Most of these undesired effects are related or consequence of changes induced in the geophysical substratum such as water retention and redistribution in time, sediment upstream accumulation and downstream privation, and river morphology alteration. There is a risk that many of the previously experienced impacts may be repeated, perhaps more severely, alongside with unforeseen consequences. In response to this global development challenge, we propose a session to bring together the community of engineers, scholars and scientists, with a common interest on assessing the impact of artificial storage of water and the mitigation of its undesirable effects.

To this end, we urge a thorough analysis and debate of the approaches to sustainable multipurpose water storage, including the definition and implementation of environmental flows, sediment management, geomorphology and landscape protection, ecological continuity and connectivity, socio-economic adaptation, among others. We intend to discuss improved approaches for sustainable multipurpose water storage, which not only considers the effects in the geophysical system (water, sediment, landscape) but also further implications related to socio-economic and ecological spheres.

Where and when

Austria Center Vienna (ACV)

7-12 April 2019


  • Convener: Mário J Franca
  • Co-conveners: Juan Carlos Chacon-Hurtado, John Conallin, Gretchen Gettel, Germán Santos

About EGU 2019

The EGU General Assembly 2019, taking place in Vienna (Austria) on 7–12 April 2019, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The deadline for abstract submission is 10 January 2019, 13:00 CET or, for those applying for EGU Roland Schlich travel support, 1 December 2018, 13:00 CET. All 2019 EGU members will be able to submit abstracts to the 2019 meeting. With a few exceptions, only one abstract as a first author will be permitted. Please find more information on EGU's call-for-abstracts announcement.

Source: session website at Copernicus.org website

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