Online Training // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice
Call to researchers from the Mediterranean! Are you researching in the sectors of natural resources such as water, energy or agriculture? Are you pursuing meaningful research that positively effects water, energy and food security in the Mediterranean region? Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA), in collaboration with GIZ, is holding an online training that provides an opportunity to learn about the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus and the importance of integrating the Nexus in research and policy making!
December 6-8, 2021
About the Event
The Mediterranean region is facing a rapid increase in energy and water consumption to keep up with changing climate conditions, high population growth, and an increase in industrial and agriculture activities. The main source of water in this region is fossil groundwater and desalinated sea water. Fossil groundwater reserves are depleting rapidly due to overexploitation. This depletion is caused by irrigation practices and desalination technologies (primarily thermal desalination), which are also energy intensive and associated with large emissions of CO2. A significant amount of water is used for food and energy production. Similarly, energy is used for extracting, collecting, pumping, transporting, treating, and desalinating water. This interdependence implies that the management of energy, water, and food production should be addressed simultaneously to increase energy efficiency in the water and agricultural sectors. This would also lead to the reduction of the water footprint in the energy and agricultural sectors without compromising ecosystems and the environment. It is important to ensure a minimum environmental flow to maintain healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.
The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach propagates a careful analysis of this interdependency and promotes synergy-building and the reduction of harmful trade-offs. In doing so, integrated and holistic approaches inherent to the WEFE Nexus offer opportunities for the transition to a green economy, as well as for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
PRIMA, in collaboration with GIZ, is organising an online training seminar titled “The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice“, with the aim of strengthening capacities for WEFE Nexus solutions in the Mediterranean region. This event will be recorded.
The online training targets the research community and aims to achieve the following objectives:
- Build a common understanding of the WEFE Nexus as a key driver for a transition to a green economy and for the achievement of the SDGs
- Inspire more WEFE Nexus solutions as well as integrated assessment tools and methods put forward by the science and research community in the Southern Mediterranean region
- Discuss opportunities of regional collaboration supporting the concrete implementation of the WEFE nexus approach
هل تبحث في قطاعات الموارد الطبيعية مثل المياه او الطاقة او الزراعة؟ هل تتابع بحثاً يؤثر بشكل اجابي على أمن المياه او أمن الطاقة او أمن الغذاء في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط؟ هل تخطط للتقدم بطلب 'بريما كول' في عام ٢٠٢٢؟
سيكون هذا التدريب عبر الانترنت فرصة مثالية لتتعلم العلاقة بين المياه و الطاقة و الغذاء و النظام البيئي و أهمية دمج هذه العلاقات في البحث و صنع السياسة. إحفظ التاريخ ٦-٨ ديسمبر ٢٠٢١ لندوة “العلاقة بين المياه و الغذاء و الطاقة و النضام البيئي كأداة لتحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة”.
You can register here.
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) is a non-profit organization aimed at using research and innovation programmes in order to address the diverse challenges in water scarcity, agriculture, and food security in the Mediterranean region.
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