Online Event // Nexus Virtual Forum °7 Integration of biodiversity to the NEXUS (WEF) approach from two perspectives in LAC: Nature-based solutions and fragmentation of rivers for reservoirs
The main theme of the Nexus Virtual Forum °7 is addressing nature-based solutions and the impact of dams on river ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean. This forum is part of a series of virtual forums with a special focus on WEF Nexus related issues in the South America and Caribbean region.
December 14, 2020, 14:30 Chile (CLDT)/ 18.30 CET
The NEXUS approach provides a universal perspective on the implementation of public policies, programs and tools related to water, energy and food (WEF). In some cases, this approach has been expanded to incorporate other related dimensions, such as environment or land use (WEFE and WELF, respectively), which offer a more complete cost and benefit analysis of changes in land use. It is worth noting the role of nature (biodiversity) in the interrelationships that are considered, which is also substantial to the three sectors as well as for land use designation.
Two regional rapid diagnostic studies will be explored:
- Nature-based solutions (SbN) from WELF + B
- The impact of river fragmentation by dam on WELF + B components
These studies broaden the focus on different types of benefits and stakeholders with a view towards sustainable development. We review the benefits of a conceptual framework that strengthens a comprehensive approach and incorporates key information to understand the positive and negative interrelationships between the NEXUS components. Also, this approach incorporates the connection between different ecosystems or basins to measure their cost-benefit spatially, beyond the local scope.
Findings of the two studies will be disseminated through this virtual forum, which is aimed at decision-makers from governments in Latin America and the Caribbean, academics, civil society organizations and the concerned public. The event will put the results of the diagnostics in perspective to generate the dialogue that can deepen regional governance experiences relevant to the shift towards sustainable development.
The event will be held in Spanish with simultaneous English translation.
- Welcoming words (Silvia Saravia, Natural Resources Division (DRN), CEPAL)
- Presentation of NEXUS and moderation (Antonio Levy, Regional Nexus Coordinator, GIZ)
- Perspectives of integrating biodiversity in Nexus (Marcia Tambutti, Agricultura Development Unit, DRN, CEPAL)
- Nature Based Solutions in Nexus (Nexus+B) in Latin America and the Caribbean (Citlalic González and Ana Ortiz Monasterio, Consultants, CEPAL)
- The effects of river fragmentation in Latin America and the Caribbean from a NEXUS + B perspective (Alejandra Stehr, Consultant CEPAL)
- Open discussion
You can register for the event here.
More Information: The Nexus Virtual Forum Series
- #1 Nexus Blog // Outcomes of the first Nexus Latin America Virtual Forum
- #2 Foro Virtual Nexo Regional // “Grandes proyectos de usos múltiples del agua en América Latina y el Caribe ¿Cómo puede el enfoque Nexo contribuir a mitigar los conflictos socioambientales?
- #3 Nexus Blog // Resultados del tercero Foro Virtual de Nexus América Latina
- #4 Nexus Blog // Resultados del cuarto Foro Virtual Regional Nexo
- #5 Nexus Blog // Resultados del Foro Virtual sobre los Desafíos para la Planificacíon y el Monitoreo de la Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe
- #6 Nexus Blog // Outcomes of the Sixth Nexus Virtual Forum "Diagnosis and Proposal for irrigation development in Central America under the Nexus Approach"