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White Paper // Scaling Investment in Nature based Solutions along Coasts in Emerging Countries. How to finance and accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions
By Erik van Eekelen , Johan Gauderis, Sien Kok, Boudewijn Jansen , Maurice de Kok , Artur Gleijm. Building with Nature has the potential to preserve the rapidly degrading natural ecosystems while answering the need for coastal hydrologic infrastructure such as ports and flood defence, even better, they come with lower investment costs. This paper provides insight in the advantages and disadvantages of NbS compared to “conventional” engineering solutions. It sets out the barriers to a widespread uptake of NbS in public and private investments and follow up with suggestions on how these barriers could be overcome. Finally, it discusses what innovative financing models can attract more private investment in NbS.
"Naturally the economic, social and environmental benefits should justify the investment."
Building with Nature represents a paradigm shift that places the understanding of natural processes and systems at the heart of the approach to create Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in hydraulic engineering along coasts and rivers.
Building with Nature has the potential to preserve the rapidly degrading natural ecosystems while answering the need for coastal hydrologic infrastructure such as ports and flood defence, even better, they come with lower investment costs. Despite these advantages application of Building with Nature is presently still exception rather than rule because public funding is lacking, and because there is little knowledge on effectiveness and costs and there is no project revenue.
Unlocking the value of Building with Nature can be achieved by a variety of measures:
- Short-term: apply a value-based approach in planning investments and mainstream this approach in procurement and contracting
- Medium-term: develop a knowledge base, mobilise private finance and develop public private partnerships
- Long-term: establish natural capital markets and earmark blended funds
- Building with Nature to crate Nature-based Solutions in hydraulic engineering
- Nature-based Solutions as an attractive alternative
- Investment gap in coastal protection and natural capital
- Tackling investment barriers in Nature-based Solutions
- Nature-based Solutions advocates as catalysts of transition
- In conclusion
- References
On January 25 EcoShape officially launched the white paper Scaling investment in NbS along coasts in emerging countries in a webinar. Hosting a 30-min talkshow, EcoShape opens the discussion about attractive pathways for scaling up investment in NbS along coasts in emerging countries. Key actors such as local governments, development finance institutes, and the private sector bring their perspective to the table. Watch the webinar here:
January 2021
EcoShape (More information: For more information about EcoShape, please visit or contact
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- Executive Summary White Paper // Scaling Investment in Nature based Solutions along Coasts in Emerging Countries. How to finance and accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions