event 23 dic. 2020

Training Publication // The Urban Nexus Integrating Resources for Sustainable Cities

This publication was prepared under the project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus, which was jointly initiated with ESCAP, the Deutsche Gesellchaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and ICLEI − Local Governments for Sustainability as partners, with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Urban Nexus Training

Purpose of the publication

The present publication is aimed at sharing knowledge and experience accumulated from the project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus”, providing cities, interested in advancing the Urban Nexus approach, with information to get started. The publication has relevance to national and local administrators and technical staff, development organizations and United Nations officials and other institutions promoting sustainable management of natural resources and efficient urban management.


Chapter I explains the relationships between water, energy and food security; highlights growing challenges within these sectors; and presents the evolution of the Nexus concept as a solution. It describes the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region and key concepts, such as decoupling, resource efficiency and a circular economy, which are relevant to understanding the Urban Nexus.

Chapter II highlights five landmark global agendas that were adopted in 2015 and 2016 and explains how the Urban Nexus approach contributes to achievement of these agreements. The Urban Nexus approach involves cross-sectoral collaboration and vertical integration – working with different levels of government, thus serving as a logical entry point to developing integrated policies and programmes needed to reach national commitments regarding sustainability and climate change.

Chapter III introduces the Urban Nexus Guidance Framework which outlines five enabling dimensions: governance; inclusive decision-making; science, technology and innovation; finance and business; and urban planning, all of which need to be considered when implementing Urban Nexus projects. The framework presents a project cycle with guiding questions to support local governments when taking initial action to advance integrated solutions.

The special “In Focus” insert following chapter II describes in detail the project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus”.




Copyright © United Nations 2019

Further Reading


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