event 16 jul. 2018

Sustainable Development Goal 6 // Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation

UN-Water produced the SDG 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation to provide input on this goal to the UN Member States. This report represents a joint position from the UN family on the global status of SDG 6 and other water-related targets. The report also explores linkages within SDG 6 targets and interlinkages between SDG 6 and other targets and indicators. The report builds on the baseline data on SDG 6 global indicators coming from JMP, GEMI and GLAAS. It is compiled by the World Water Assessment Programme.

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This first synthesis report on SDG 6 seeks to inform discussions among Member States during the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2018.

It is an in-depth review and includes data on the global baseline status of SDG 6, the current situation and trends at global and regional levels, and what more needs to be done to achieve this goal by 2030. The report is based on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators selected by Member States to track progress towards the eight global targets, plus complementary data and evidence from a wide range of sources.

The production of the report is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Water Management of the Netherlands, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).



June 2018


Click here to watch the video: "Averting a Global Water Crisis: SDG Media Zone Update"

Further information

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