event 17 mar. 2018

Saving Watts to Save Drops // Inclusion of Water Efficiency in Energy Efficiency Programs

By Weston Berg and David Ribeiro. This study provides an overview of practices for quantifying and reporting avoided energy-water costs from demand-side measures. It also summarises the regulatory guidance for incorporating water savings into cost-effectiveness screening for energy efficiency programs.

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Energy production and consumption require water, and water transport and treatment need energy. Researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in designing integrated programs to manage energy and water in tandem. Utilities typically do not focus on the avoided costs and indirect energy savings from reduced water consumption. Doing so would help them reduce expenditures and maximise the benefits of energy-water efficiency programs.


American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) (open access)


24 Jan 2018


ACEEE Research Report U1801

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