Publication // A revised draft People-first Public-Private Partnerships Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals
This document contains a draft People-first Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by an international Project Team co-Chaired by Ms. Melissa Peneycad, Mr. Joan Enric Ricart and Mr. James Stewart with the support of the UNECE secretariat. The Evaluation Methodology applies to all types, sizes, project stages, and PPP models, anywhere around the world, in any sector. It can be used early on in project identification through to project development and implementation. The Evaluation Methodology is comprised of 22 benchmarks and 100 indicators for each of the five People-first PPP outcomes.
As countries all over the world aim at ‘building back better’ from the COVID-19 pandemic, the recently-launched UNECE People-first PPP Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals can support their efforts by providing a set of benchmarks and indicators to score infrastructure projects against the People-first criteria and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This Evaluation Methodology can help Governments evaluate and improve their infrastructure projects by incorporating resilience and sustainability at their core, especially at the early stages of project development.
Way Forward
The Evaluation Methodology is a living document and will be amended in the future on the basis of feedback received from the users. The Evaluation Methodology draws extensively from other methodologies, namely the EASIER methodology and its accompanying Practical Guide based on the People-first PPP outcomes developed by the Specialist Centre of Excellence on PPPs in Smart and Sustainable Cities in Barcelona, Spain, affiliated to the UNECE International PPP Centre of Excellence; and Envision, a sustainable infrastructure evaluation tool and rating system developed and administered by the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI).
UNECE member States charted the way forward:
- Warmly welcoming the Evaluation Methodology and approving an Action Plan to test and use it on actual projects with views to improve it by the end of 2021. To that end, UNECE will launch a practical and easy-to-use self-assessment tool during the first quarter of 2021 and will also develop a testing protocol to collect the inputs of the testing phase of the Evaluation Methodology
Further Reading
- (EN) People-first Public-Private Partnerships Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals
- (FR) Projet de Méthode d’évaluation des partenariats public-privé axés sur les intérêts de la population au regard des objectifs de développement durable
- (RU) Пересмотренный проект методологии оценки государственно-частных партнерств на благо людей в интересах достижения целей в области устойчивого развития