event 01 dic. 2017

Project // Central Asia Nexus Dialogue - Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment

This project aims at creating a multi-sectoral enabling environment to facilitate sustainable and climate-resilient investments for increased water, energy, food security and ecosystems in Central Asia.

Logo nexus in central asia 01
(C) Wikipedia (globe)


national ministries and agencies of Central Asia (CA) countries involved in water resource management, agriculture, energy, economy and investment issues, international funds and financial institutes, and expert society.

Project period

December 2016 – December 2019


Project is financing by European Commission and implementing by the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC), in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), in five countries of Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Background information

Growth of population and urbanization, changes in the consumption patterns and economic development of CA countries in the context of changing climate- those are only some of the factors contributing to increase of demand for water, energy and food. It is necessary not to just invest into the production growth, but also to preserve the environment for the future generations. It is a big challenge as competition for the limited natural resources will keep growing in the upcoming years and the consequences of climate change will further complicate the socio-economic situation.

Therefore, the understanding and analysis of dynamic links between water, energy, food and ecosystems have a huge importance and should be viewed in the light of the inter-sectoral and inter-disciplinary approach of “water-energy-food-ecosystems” nexus. With such approach decision makers are able not only to analyze how investment projects in one sector will affect other sectors and foresee the compromises, but also to provide the synergy between different users of natural resources to ensure sustainable water, energy and environmental safety.

Under the circumstances when the renovation of the water, energy and food infrastructure in the CA countries is needed and the limited investment possibilities exist, such approach would mainstream more extensive coordination between the sectors. It would also affect investment project on different scales- from local to regional. On the regional level, in case the investments in one country can positively or negatively influence economic development of other countries, such approach will allow to find a compromise and, on top of that, a synergy, while other sectors and countries will benefit investments in one sector.

“Central Asia Nexus Dialogue project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment” project was launched in order to stimulate productive regular dialogues that could assist to define innovations needed for planning, financing and implementation of multisectoral projects in five countries of Central Asia.

What is the Nexus?

The Nexus approach highlights the interdependence of water, energy and food security and the natural resources – water, soil and land – that underpin that security. Nexus identifies mutually beneficial responses that are based on understanding the synergies of water, energy and agricultural policies. It also provides an informed and transparent framework for determining the proper trade-offs and synergies that maintain the integrity and sustainability of ecosystems.

Project history

“Central Asia Nexus Dialogue project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment” project is part of the global Programme financed by European Union and German society for international cooperation to provide support for nexus approach, that is being implemented in five worlds` region: Africa (South Africa and Niger river basin), Latin America, Central Asia and MENA region.

Unifying objective of all regional dialogues is promotion of multisectoral approach in national and regional strategies and action plans.

Project objectives in Central Asia

“Central Asia Nexus Dialogue project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment” project is running the following objectives:

  • Support of intersectoral cooperation in view of “water-energy-food security” nexus approach in investment planning process;
  • Strengthening of capacities of regional partners in intersectoral planning;
  • Mainstreaming of “water-energy-food” in linkages with ecosystems Nexus approach, and available solutions that could be used on basin, national and regional levels.

Expected project results

The most expected result is the list of investment projects designed on the principles of intersectoral interests (water, energy and food) and interests of two or more countries of the region.

Implementation partners

Background Information Nexus Approach

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