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Online Event // Water-Energy Strategic Planning: Opportunities for Climate Action
The Water-Energy Nexus needs intersectoral cooperation to make climate action effective and to generate cross-sectoral benefits from strategic investments. This interactive session showcases approaches, toolsand results relevant for the alignment of water and energy planning processes and project development. Online Seminar by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and Deltares in the frame of the Week on Water for Development 2020.
While climate change mitigation largely focuses on energy, climate change adaptation has strong links with water, both at national and regional (transboundary) level. Energy generation and agriculture are important GHG emitters and major water users. Insights about Nexus interactions can be useful in defining broader synergetic actions that serve mitigation and adaptation goals, while preventing negative impacts. Renewable energy (RE) is required for the sustainable energy transition. But its deployment needs to be sustainable to manage climate risks. RE technologies contribute to sustainable water and food production processes, but also compete with other needs or may bring impacts across other sectors, e.g. changes in the water resources system. Their deployment will be affected by future water availability and related risks. Therefore, considering intersectoral impacts and synergies, such as water-risks in the RE planning and development is crucial. Cross-border frameworks provide additional value through complementarity, coordination and common objectives. This session focuses on water-energy-links, highlighting approaches and tools for waterrelated risks and opportunities for the energy sector. After an introductory keynote from the International Energy Agency and presentations from Deltares, UNECE and GIZ, the discussion will identify concrete actions and suggestions to overcome challenges and capitalise on the benefits of synergies.
- Opening
- Introduction (International Energy Agency)
- Linking energy scenarios to water management (Deltares)
- Sustainable renewable energy considering water and environment (UNECE)
- The value-added of WEF Nexus for inter-sectoral planning (GIZ)
- Discussion
Further information
More online events in the frame of the Water Week on Development 2020 can be found here
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