Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Towards the future of the Nexus - Executive Steering Committee took stock of the Nexus Regional Dialogues
The 6th Executive Steering Committee Meeting of the Nexus Regional Dialogues (NRD) Programme was held on 11th - 12th October 2022. The main objective was to take stock of main achievements, results and lessons learned within the past year and provide an outlook on the final year of Phase II.
On 11th – 12th October 2022, the 6th Executive Steering Committee (ESC) Meeting of the Nexus Regional Dialogues (NRD) Programme took place. It was the third committee meeting within Phase II of the programme. The Meeting was attended by representatives of the European Union (EU), the German Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), regional partners including the Southern African Development Community (SADC), League of Arab States (LAS), Niger Basin Authority (NBA). Implementing agencies Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and Global Water Partnership Southern Africa (GWPSA) who are actively supporting the implementation of the Water Energy Food Nexus approach along with its activities across the regions.

The main objective was to take stock of main achievements, results and lessons learned within the past year and provide an outlook on the final year of Phase II – ending in June 2023. During the first day of the ESC Meeting, all five regions (CA, LAC, MENA, NB and SA) including the Global Nexus Secretariat presented their main achievements and progress during Phase II, focussing on policy dialogues and institutionalisation and mobilising investments. In addition, each one offered an outlook at planned activites for the final year of the second phase.
The second day concentrated on the future of the WEF Nexus. The five regions and the Global Nexus Secretariat exchanged on different experiences of the WEF Nexus institutionalisation with a focus on the future of the Nexus. The discussion was guided by the following questions:
- Which area has the most potential for future application?
- What is the future of the WEF Nexus beyond Phase II of the NRD?

Conclusions and Outlook
The participants concluded that a WEF Nexus policy shift requires time, but current crises demonstrate that problems need to be solved with integrated approaches, cooperation between sectors and combined efforts. The Nexus Regional Dialogues has paved the way for an institutionalisation of the WEF Nexus through its achievements so far and now moves to the implementation of concrete projects.
Looking ahead, the ESC agreed on thematic interests for the continuation of the Nexus Regional Dialogues. Furthers meetings with the programme’s regions are planned in order to combine synergies and consider the different modalities in the different regions for the further implementation of the WEF Nexus. The NRD Programme looks forward to successfully finalising its activities and fulfilling its indicators in the upcoming months.

About the NRD
Together with its regional partners, the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme assists stakeholders to bring the WEF Nexus approach to the mainstream of governance and project development. Concrete policy recommendations and governance frameworks for an integrated natural resource management are developed. Furthermore, investment opportunities for multi-sectoral projects are identified. In order to complement this work with evidence-based arguments, the programme contributes to the operationalization and impact assessment of WEF Nexus demonstration projects in the regions.
Through innovative training, the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme builds both enthusiasm and capacity for multi-sectoral WEF Nexus decision making and investment planning. Hands-on tools, guidelines and best practices to take the WEF Nexus approach from theory to practice, are disseminated through participation in international events and the Nexus Resource Platform.