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event 20 dic. 2018

Case Study Mexico // How Guanajuato’s Water and Wastewater Utilities are tackling Climate Change through Efficiency Optimization and Renewable Energy Production

This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…

event 20 dic. 2018

Case Study Jordan // How Madaba’s Water and Wastewater Utility is finding innovative Solutions to operational Burdens while reducing Carbon Emissions

This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…

event 20 dic. 2018

The Nexus Concept Integrating Energy and Resource Efficiency for Policy Assessments // A Comparative Approach from Three Case

By Floor Brouwer, Lydia Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia, Eva Alexandri, Ingrida Bremere, Matthew Griffey, Vincent Linderhof. As the world increasingly runs up…

event 18 dic. 2018

Agua, Producción de Alimentos y Energía // La Experiencia del Nexo en Chile

Por Humberto Peña. El presente estudio analiza este Nexo en el caso de Chile. Con ese propósito, se revisa la evolución de las políticas públicas y…

event 05 dic. 2018

Resource Use Efficiency under Growing Natural Resource Scarcity // Research Guide for Water-Energy-Food Nexus Analysis

By Claudia Ringler, Md. Hossain Alam Mondal, Helen Berga Paulos, Alisher Mirzabaev, Clemens Breisinger, Manfred Wiebelt, Khalid Siddig, Grace…

event 26 nov. 2018

Climate Change and the Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus in Central Asia // Scenario Report

By Achim Maas, Gulzhamal Issayeva, Lukas Rüttinger and Atabek Umirbekov with contributions from Raul Daussa. This paper reports on a workshop with…

event 26 nov. 2018

OECD Study // Managing the Water-Energy-Land-Food Nexus in Korea

This report assesses the key bottlenecks within the water-energy-land-food nexus in Korea, and proposes policy recommendations and governance…

event 20 nov. 2018

Video // Water, Energy, Food - Nexus Thinking Explained

This motion infographic explains the importance of nexus thinking in our everyday lives and policy decisions. It explores the deep interconnections…

event 19 nov. 2018

Casos de Buenas Prácticas en Chile y el Perú // La Eficiencia en el Uso del Agua y la Energía en los Procesos Mineros

Por José Luis Lewinsohn and René Salgado. El uso del agua y la energía en los procesos mineros, en especial en los países andinos, planteará…

event 14 nov. 2018

Estudio de Caso // La Gestión del Agua desde el Punto de Vista del Nexo entre el Agua, la Energía y la Alimentación en el Perú

Por Eduardo Zegarra Méndez. El presente estudio utiliza el enfoque del Nexo entre el agua, la energía y la alimentación para analizar las…

event 07 nov. 2018

Programa Diálogos Regionales del Nexo // Alineamiento de las Políticas Hídricas con las Nacionales y de Desarrollo a través de la Perspectiva Nexo en el Perú

Perú, desde perspectiva Nexo, pretende contribuir con lograr una visión integradora entre el agua, la energía y la agricultura con fines…

event 07 nov. 2018

Nexus Regional Dialogues // Alignment of Water Policies with National and Development Policies through the Nexus Perspective in Peru

Peru aims at contributing to an integrated approach between the water, energy and agriculture sectors in order to achieve improved food security in…

event 11 oct. 2018

Science Forum 2018 Case Study // Examining Tradeoffs in the Allocation of Biomass Energy Sources to Domestic and Productive Uses in Ethiopia

By Dawit Mekonnen, Elizabeth Bryan, Tekie Alemu, Claudia Ringler. Rural households in Ethiopia have limited options to meet their domestic energy…

event 11 oct. 2018

Science Forum 2018 Case Study // Promoting Solar Irrigation Service Providers in Ganga Basin

By Tushaar Shah, Gyan Prakash Rai, Shilp Verma, and Neha Durga. It is widely recognised that the provision of irrigation can help millions of…

event 11 oct. 2018

Science Forum 2018 Case Study // Energy Checklist for Asia’s Irrigation Projects

By Hua Xie, Van Manh Nguyen, Claudia Ringler, Yasmin Siddiqi. This case study "Energy checklist for Asia’s irrigation projects: increasing crop water…

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