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422 Recursos
5 de 29 páginas
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event 14 feb. 2021

White Paper // Scaling Investment in Nature based Solutions along Coasts in Emerging Countries. How to finance and accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions

By Erik van Eekelen , Johan Gauderis, Sien Kok, Boudewijn Jansen , Maurice de Kok , Artur Gleijm. Building with Nature has the potential to preserve…

event 30 dic. 2020

Policy Brief // Outcomes of the EU Horizon 2020 DAFNE PROJECT: The Zambezi River Basin Integrated Cooperation for a Vital Resource

This policy brief is derived from research conducted under €5.5M four-year EU Horizon 2020 and Swiss funded ‘DAFNE’ project which concerns the…

event 03 dic. 2020

Video // Use of alternative water sources for agriculture

Are alternative water sources a viable solution to the problem of irrigation in European regions with water scarcity? An investigation into the…

event 02 dic. 2020

Policy Brief // Improving sustainable development in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System through a transboundary nexus approach

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe published a policy brief highlighting the main results of a participatory assessment of the…

event 28 nov. 2020

Video // Recording of the Webinar: Modeling the Water-Energy-Food Nexus; bridging Science and Policy Making

Watch the recorded webinar on 'Modeling the Water-Energy-Food Nexus | bridging Science and Policy' Making with guest speaker Dr. Ali Karnib,…

event 01 nov. 2020

Policy Brief // The WEF Nexus Approach: An Imperative Enabler for Sustainable Development in the MENA Region

By Waleed Khalil Al-Zubari, Khalid Nahar Alrwis. This Policy Brief suggests four recommendations to foster the WEF Nexus approach in the MENA region.

event 23 oct. 2020

ОПИСАНИЕ ПРОЕКТА // Проект Нексус Диалог в Центральной Азии: Фаза 2

Основываясь на результатах первой фазы проекта (2016-2019гг.), вторая фаза нацелена на институциализацию подхода ВЭП Нексус в национальных и…

event 21 oct. 2020

Policy Brief // Integrated Policies to Improve the Energy-Water-Food System Nexus to Achieve the SDGs

By Carlo Andrea Bollino, Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Suresh Babu, Yamaji Eiji, Marzio Galeotti. This Policy Brief focusses on an integrated approach…

event 20 oct. 2020

Policy Brief // Promoting Human-Centric Technologies and the Urban Nexus to address the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Sustainability Challenges of Smart Cities

By Ghadah Aldabbagh, Nikos Dimitriou, Jauad el Kharraz, Hammou Laamrani, Kamal Tumi, Daniela Diegelmann, Majed Mohammed Mustafa Hallawani, Abdullah M…

event 08 oct. 2020

Project Information // Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Central Asia: Phase II

The objective of Phase II of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in Central Asia is to create an enabling environment to facilitate sustainable…

event 23 sept. 2020

Policy Paper // Towards sustainable renewable energy investment and deployment: Trade-offs and opportunities with water resources and the environment

This “tool-kit” publication by UNECE - a joint effort of the Environment and Sustainable Energy Divisions - proposes a pragmatic approach to support…

event 14 sept. 2020

Online Event // Water, Food and Energy Nexus as Resources for Peace

The event investigates how water, food and energy - if approached through a Nexus lens - can be a source of cooperation and peace instead of…

event 08 sept. 2020

Online Event // Water-Energy Strategic Planning: Opportunities for Climate Action

The Water-Energy Nexus needs intersectoral cooperation to make climate action effective and to generate cross-sectoral benefits from strategic…

event 30 jul. 2020

Online Event // Conversations for Inspiration: The Water, Energy Food Nexus

The session "Leverage to achieve sustainable development" is part of a series of online events titled “Conversations for Inspiration” organized by…

event 19 jun. 2020

Nexus Principles // The Water, Energy and Food security Nexus Principles

The Water-Energy-Food security Nexus Principles guide towards the application, implementation and operationalisation of the Water-Energy-Food…

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