event 07 nov. 2024 time 09:30 09 nov. 2024 time 12:30 (GMT+2) location Online

Workshop // Self-sufficiency as a driver for sustainability in urban territories

The two-half days conference, 7-8 November 2024, under the CitySelfy research project, will bring together invited speakers to share a comprehensive understanding of the inter-related challenges and opportunities on water, energy and food systems at the local level. Participants will be encouraged to actively engage in structured discussions.

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Water-Energy-Food nexus at local Level | Self-sufficiency as a driver for sustainability in urban territories

7-8 November 2024

Hybrid format: ONLINE & ICS – Ulisboa (Maria de Sousa room).

The two-half days conference, under the CitySelfy research project, will bring together invited speakers to share a comprehensive understanding of the inter-related challenges and opportunities on water, energy and food systems at the local level. Participants will be encouraged to actively engage in structured discussions.

Full program is available online.

The Conference also includes key WEF related projects showcase and an online research Speed date (upon registration).

The Conference will take place on the mornings of 7 and 8 of november both online and in person at ICS-ULisboa (room Maria de Sousa).

We invite all (academic or not) with interest in the topic to attend. Attendance is free but require registration here.

Organizers: NOVA FCT, NOVA University Lisbon; ICS, University of Lisbon; University of Groningen (Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development & Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate) and Cascais municipality.

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