event 05 nov. 2024 time 14:00 UTC location Online - Zoom

Webinar // How to design a transboundary multistakeholder platform (MSP): The Incomati experience in Southern Africa

The CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains webinar "How to design a transboundary multistakeholder platform (MSP): The Incomati experience in Southern Africa" will review experiences in transboundary MSPs, present a proposed design for a new transboundary MSP in the Incomati Basin, and facilitate discussion on the suitability of that design.

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How to design a transboundary multistakeholder platform (MSP): The Incomati experience in Southern Africa

Tuesday November 5, 2024 | 14:00–15:00 UTC / 09:00–10:00 EST / 19:30–20:30 IST

While multistakeholder platforms (MSPs) are proliferating in shared waters, there is a diversity of approaches with little comparison or shared learning between them. This CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains webinar will review experiences in transboundary MSPs, present a proposed design for a new transboundary MSP in the Incomati Basin, and facilitate discussion on the suitability of that design. The webinar will include a roundtable discussion of notable MSP practitioners to offer relevant lessons for MSP development in other shared watercourses, including the Incomati Basin.

You can watch a recording on the webinar below.

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  • Jonathan Lautze, IWMI (moderator)
  • Ryan Nehring, IFPRI
  • Dominic Joaquim, IFPRI


  • Buyani Fakudze, INMACOM
  • Eng. Sylvester Matemu, Nile Basin Discourse
  • Leonissah Munjoma, ZAMCOM

Find out more about past webinars on the NEXUS Gains Talks landing page, with links to summaries, recordings, and presentation downloads. Subscribe to the NEXUS Gains newsletter to be notified about upcoming talks.

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