event 19 mar. 2018 time 16:03

Water-Food Nexus Session at the WWF8 // Soil and Water Conservation Practices for Improved Food Production

This session will include case studies and discussions on ways to successfully introduce and implement tools and techniques for disseminating information and technology on improving soil and water conservation practices and water availability in river basins.

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Session at the 8th World Water Forum in Brazil.

Soil conservation practices in agriculture are an effective way to promote increased water availability in watersheds. Correct soil management, soil infiltration and porosity monitoring and improvement, new cropping technologies and efficient irrigation management can help farmers to better understand water productivity and soil health conditions. However, the information cannot be used effectively without directly involving farmers.

Where and when

Room ST1 (M7)

19 Mar 2018


  • Fernando Falco Pruski (Brazil)
  • Ashwin B. Pandya (ICID-India)
  • Charles Wortmann (UNL-USA)
  • Marcelino Sato (Farmer – Brazil)
  • Jippe Hoogeveen (FAO-Global)



  • Christopher Neale, director of research, Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, University of Nebraska
  • Charles S. Wortmann, professor, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; DWFI Faculty Fellow

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