UN 2023 Water Conference // Side Event: Dealing with climate, water and peace: how participatory system analysis supported conflict resolution at local level. Lessons from Niger.
The Government of Niger is organising and leading an in-person side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, taking place on 23rd March 2023. "Dealing with climate, water and peace: how participatory system analysis supported conflict resolution at local level. Lessons from Niger".
© UN
Niger at UN 2023 Water Conference
The Government of Niger is organising and leading an in-person side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York, taking place on 23rd March 2023.
Supporting Member States include: Niger (organizing Member State); Germany (German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development - BMZ)
The organising partners include: The Frexus Project as part of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, together with Water, Peace and Security Partnership (WPS Partnership), Deltares, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), USAID and UNDP/Climate Security Mechanism.
Session Title: Dealing with climate, water and peace: how participatory system analysis support conflict resolution at local level. The case of Niger.
The session brings together practitioners, government representatives, international organisations, and financial institutions.
"We will emphasize how inclusive and system-based approaches, specifically participatory systems analysis, has led to successful results in the region of Dosso in Niger. We will draw upon examples in which communities developed solutions to social tensions and conflicts driven by reduced resource availability and climate extremes. We will emphasize what drove success in the perception of those involved. We include a short experience session to allow the audience to get deeper insight in what participatory systems analysis entails. The session will subsequently invite representatives from governments, international organisations and donors to reflect on how these insights can support the implementation of voluntary water commitments and be applied to other cases. In addition to connecting policy, practice and science, the session also contributes to bridging cross-sectoral divides between natural resources and peacebuilding."

Preliminary programme/speakers
- Welcome/Opening (Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation, Niger - tbc)
- Presentation approach and success factors GIZ-Frexus/Water, Peace and Security, Including a short group building experience session. Audrey Legat, WPS
- Presentation approach and success factors USAID
- Discussion
- Reflection country representative Niger
- Reflection UNDP/CSM
- Reflection EU or BMZ (tbc)
- Interaction with audience - the participants will be invited to contribute to the discussion
- Closing
More information
Please find more information about the UN Water Conference here.