event 27 nov. 2018 time 00:00 28 nov. 2018 time 00:00

International Workshop // Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: Exchanging Knowledge in Colombia

Intelligent use of waste water in agriculture saves energy, reduce freshwater demand for agricultural uses and simultaneously increase productivity and resilience of farmlands. This workshop looks at the policies implemented in Colombia and how the SUWA (Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture Initiative) by UNU-FLORES helped in this implementation.

Milo miloezger 646938 unsplash
https://unsplash.com/photos/pNArDGC_aNY (C) Milo Miloezger / Unsplash

The Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture (SUWA) initiative at UNU-FLORES aims to support United Nations Member States in developing their national capacities and strategic policy implementation actions in focus areas promoting the safe use of wastewater.

The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development in Colombia has developed policies for the integrated management of water resources (2010-2022) and a law (1207/2014) that regulates the use of treated wastewater for irrigation and industrial purposes. This law has been developed with the intent of preserving water resources and as a preventive measure for freshwater pollution. The uneven distribution of water provisioning in Colombia over time and space and the stress that global warming is causing to the country makes SUWA a promising tool to buffer the impact of the inefficient use of Colombian water resources. SUWA can reduce freshwater demand for agricultural uses and simultaneously increase productivity and resilience of farmlands. If properly managed, SUWA can function as a control measure for wastewater-derived pollution in water and soil.

In the framework of the Green Growth Policy (2018), Colombia is currently in the process of promoting the use of treated wastewater with the drafting of the regulatory adjustment of the “Resolution for water reuse” (Res. 1207/2014) and with the publishing of the guideline on good practices in water reuse. It is in this context that UNU-FLORES and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development join forces to co-organise this workshop. The main objective is to create a space for knowledge sharing to jointly identify measures that promote SUWA in Colombia.

We hope that the results of this workshop can serve the Government of Colombia in the process of policy implementation in relation to SUWA. Both UNU-FLORES and the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development take this opportunity to base a long-term and beneficial cooperation that will benefit both parties and above all, the Colombian natural resource capital.


Where and when


27-28 Nov 2018


Together with Natalia Jiménez, a Humboldt Climate Fellow at UNU-FLORES, Dr Serena Caucci and Prof. Hiroshan Hettiarachchi are reviewing the current water reuse policy structure in Colombia to identify how we can promote SUWA in an effective way. This workshop is a direct result of the research.

More information

UNU-FLORES website

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