event ٢٢ مارس ٢٠١٨

WATER4LIFE // Special Feature on Water by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany

At the World Water Day, 2018, this Special Feature on Water shows how German water policy touches the ground and links water to food and energy production.

Screen bmz specialfeature water 01

Water is one of the core competences in German development cooperation. To address a wider audience and stress the high relevance of water as an essential ingredient in almost every aspect of our live, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) launches Special Feature on Water on the World Water Day 2018.

This Special Feature reflects in stories and cases the principles of the new BMZ Water Strategy which is the first sector strategy heeding the Agenda 2030. Consequently, the BMZ has adopted additional “BMZ Strategies for Interlinkages” in addition to the core document.

The additional documents highlight the linkages and potential synergies between the water and sanitation sectors and other sectors. The BMZ Strategies for Interlinkages between “Water, Energy and Food Security” and between “Water, Environment and Climate Change” are already available.

Four additional strategies on interlinkages are in process.


Special Feature on Water


March 2018

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