Research Article // A computational modelling approach based on the ‘Energy - Water - Food nexus node’ to support decision-making for sustainable and resilient food security
By Maryam Haji, Rajesh Govindan and Tareq Al-Ansari. The enhanced EWF nexus nodal method was applied to represent various farming industries having different characteristics in Qatar. The study implemented a simple linear optimisation model for the sake of introducing a new EWF node that will reduce the AHP risk level of existing EWF nodes.
Fig. 5. The optimal location of proposed EWF node with respect to (a) hydroponic greenhouse map (b) dairy risk map and (c) fodder risk map. (Haji et al., 2022)
This study introduces a computational decision framework to achieve sustainable and resilient decentralised energy, water, and food (EWF) systems at the national level using the ‘EWF nexus node’ approach. The methodological framework was systematically developed based on a hybrid approach using GIS modelling, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), and an optimisation functionality to enable efficient management of spatially distributed EWF resources for resilient food security. It was then applied to dairy and fodder farm case studies in Qatar considering the impact of weather, soil and water factors on these systems. Risk identification and analysis concluded that the weather and groundwater factors are critical for dairy farms, and if they exceed the acceptable limits, it is likely to affect dairy cattle's health and milk production. On the other hand, the groundwater and soil factors have the highest impact on the fodder farms. A new EWF nexus node was then introduced at an optimal location, which would operate at a minimum cost, including the cost of groundwater pumping, desalination and transportation, whilst reducing the risk levels of existing EWF nodes tremendously.
May 2022
Computers & Chemical Engineering | Journal | by Elsevier
Haji, M., Govindan, R., & Al-Ansari, T. (2022). A computational modelling approach based on the ‘Energy-Water-Food nexus node’to support decision-making for sustainable and resilient food security. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 107846.
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