Legacy of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Final Products
After six years of diligent implementation, the conclusion of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, was successfully achieved in June 2023. Throughout this time, the Nexus Regional Diaglogues Programme has produced a wide variety of products to support the application of the WEF Nexus. This is a comprehensive list of the core achievements and key products of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, clustered per region: Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, MENA, Niger River Basin,and Southern Africa as well as the global level.
Legacy of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme
We encourage our readership to utilise these tools and products and thereby contribute to spreading Nexus knowledge to improve resource use and its sustainable management!
Please scroll down to view the final products of the different regions.
Global Products
Factsheets and Newsletter
Tools & Trainings
- NIA toolkit
- Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Material (Module I, Module II, Module III, Trainer’s guide)
- Lessons Learned Study: Insights gained from the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme (2023)
- Policy Paper: Sustainable Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) (2022)
- Study: Designing innovative solutions for the Water, Energy and Food Nexus (2023)
- Study: Financing the Water Energy and Food Nexus (2023)
- Financing strategy: Identification of Financing Facilities for Water-Energy-Food and Ecosystems projects for the Nexus Dialogues Programme (2022)
- The Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus: A review of Nexus literature and ongoing Nexus initiatives for policymakers (2018)
- Practical Planning Management of WEF Nexus Issues in Germany (2017)
- Coordination of Sectoral Interests in the Nexus Between Water, Energy and Agriculture. Mechanisms and Interests in Germany (2017)
- The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Video
- What is the Water Energy Food Nexus?
- The Nexus Serious Game: A hands-on experience to better understand the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- Understanding the Water Energy Food Nexus
Webinars and Events
- World Water Forum Side-Event: Solving the Rubik´s cube. Multi-level Nexus governance (2022)
- Webinar: Water, Energy & Food for Thought: Interregional exchange on WEF Nexus Institutionalisation (2021)
- Fueling Synergies through the Water-Energy Nexus - honouring Energy Day at the Water Pavilion COP26 (online session) (2021)
- (FAO/GIZ Webinar series) Cooperation across borders and sectors: Regional experiences of WEF Nexus institutionalization (EN) / (FR) (2022)
- From Risks to Returns. Nexus solutions for climate resilience (World Water Week 2021) Nexus Blog // From risks to returns: The WEF Nexus at World Water Week 2021
Nexus Stories
- Sustainable EU support for Turkmenistan’s Desert Communities
- Empowering Women with the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Approach in Kollo, Niger
- Embarking on a journey to upscale Nexus-Based Farming in Egypt
- Strengthening rural communities in Peru with a WEF Nexus approach
- Working towards climate resilient municipalities in the MENA region
- Afforestation of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea
- Reinforcing ancestral Kichwa production systems in Ecuador through a WEF Nexus approach
- Ensuring the WEF security through advancing the energy efficiency at pumping stations and digitalization of the metering in the Republic of Tajikistan
- Transforming the challenge into opportunity: recycling the sediment to promote the transboundary cooperation and WEF security through innovative solutions
- Optimising WEF nexus projects in Southern Africa
- PV systems for the water sector: Increasing energy efficiency while combating water scarcity in Jordan
- Evidencing and showcasing the added value of the WEF Nexus approach
- RES4Africa and GIZ: Accelerating project investments for climate resilience, resource efficiency, and sustainable development
- Improving communities by ensuring access to clean water in Zambia and Malawi
- The Water, Energy, Food and Environment (WEFE) Nexus in Jordan governance: Building resilience and securing WEF in the present and the long run
Nexus Regional Dialogue in Central Asia
- Factsheet Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Central Asia Phase I & Phase II
- Nexus Regional Dialogue in Central Asia in a nutshell (Phase II)
- Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus and Multi-Sector Investment (Phase II) Long Factsheet
- Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus and Multi-Sector Investment (PHASE II) One page Factsheet
Demonstration Projects
- Demonstration Projects
- Demonstration Factsheet (long)
- Kazakhstan national demonstration project on afforestation of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea
- National Demonstration Project in Tajikistan
- Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan: Transboundary demonstration project
- Nexus Approach Illustration Book (RU only)
- Forecast of sedimentation growth and losses due to sedimentation in monetary value at the Ruslovoye reservoir with recommendations on possible technical solutions, 2022
- Assessment of risks and vulnerability to climate change at the local level, Tuyamuyun hydro complex, 2021
- Identification of the volume of sedimentation at the Ruslovoye reservoir of the Tuyamuyun hydro complex 2021
- First outcomes of the review and rapid assessment on implementation of the transboundary demonstration project at the Tuyamuyun Hydroelectric Complex (THC)
- Recommendations on technical solutions for the sediment treatment and recycling at the Ruslovoe reservoir, based on international experience
- Cost and benefit analysis on sediment removal and recycling at the Ruslovoye reservoir
- Socio-economic assessment, state of irrigated agriculture and operation of pumping stations in Sughd province and Zafarobod district of Tajikistan
- Interactive Simulation of Nexus approach for water-energy-food-environment security at national and regional levels
- Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia - Phase 1
- Playing the Nexus Game (Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia)
- A WEF Nexus Transboundary Demonstration Project in Uzbekistan - Turkmenistan
- Demonstration Project Tajikistan (Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia)
- Demonstration Project Kazakhstan (Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia)
- CAREC's role in promoting the WEF Nexus approach in Central Asia: an expert opinion

Nexus Regional Dialogue in Latin America & the Caribbean
- Factsheet Phase II
- 2-pager Peru
- 2-pager Ecuador
- 2-pager Nature Based Solutions
- 2-pager Nexus GEF CReW+ in Dominican Republic I Detailed design for the rehabilitation of Wastewater Treatment Plants with the Nexus Approach / ES
The LATAM4WEF Innovation Lab for youth innovators and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)s in Latin America and the Caribbeanall - article series links and reports
- Call for Applications
- LATAM4WEF Innovations Programme – Article Series 1
- LATAM4WEF Innovations Programme – Article Series 2
- LATAM4WEF Innovations Programme – Article Series 3
- LATAM4WEF Innovations Programme – Article Series 4
- LATAM4WEF Final Programme Report
- LATAM4WEF Impact Report
- Video of Innovation Lab
- Nexus guidelines (Guía metodológica)
- The Nexus between Water, Energy and Food in Latin America and the Caribbean // Planning, Policy Framework and the Identification of Priority Interconnections (2017) (EN)
- El Nexo entre el agua, la energía y la alimentación en América Latina y el Caribe: planificación, marco normativo e identificación de interconexiones prioritarias (2017) (ES)
- Casos de Buenas Prácticas en Chile y el Perú // La Eficiencia en el Uso del Agua y la Energía en los Procesos Mineros (2017) (ES)
- Prioridades del nexo agua, energía y alimentación en Costa Rica y políticas para su manejo, con énfasis en la cuenca del río Reventazón (ES) (2017)
- Lineamientos de Políticas Públicas // Un Mejor Manejo de las Interrelaciones del Nexo entre el Agua, la Energía y la Alimentación (2018) (ES)
- Alineamiento de las Políticas Hídricas con las Nacionales y de Desarrollo a través de la Perspectiva Nexo en el Perú (2018) (ES)
- Recommendations for Action // Regional Political-Technical Forum on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean (2018) (EN)
- Recomendaciones para la Acción// Diálogo Regional Político-Técnico sobre el Nexo entre el Agua, la Energía y la Alimentación en América Latina y el Caribe (2018) (ES)
- Conclusions Report: Investment in circular water treatment and renewable energy systems for Latin America and the Caribbean with the Nexus approach EN/ES
- Secado de cacao con energía solar, en la Región Amazónica del Ecuador (ES)
- Análisis comparativo de acciones con enfoque del Nexo Agua-Energía-Alimentación: Lecciones aprendidas para los países de América Latina y el Caribe
- Lecciones de Chile para la adopción del enfoque del Nexo: Análisis de políticas de fomento de tecnologías de riego, gestión integrada de cuencas, fondos de agua y energía sostenible
- Lecciones del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia para la adopción del enfoque del Nexo: Análisis del Plan Nacional de Cuencas, el Sistema Múltiple Misicuni y las políticas de riego
- Estudio SPIS // Transversalización del Enfoque Nexo en el Contexto del Bombeo Solar para riego (2019) (ES)
- Agua, Producción de Alimentos y Energía // La Experiencia del Nexo en Chile (SP)
- Estudio de Caso // La Gestión del Agua desde el Punto de Vista del Nexo entre el Agua, la Energía y la Alimentación en el Perú
Nexus Country Profiles
Nexus Stories
- Reinforcing ancestral Kichwa production systems in Ecuador through a WEF Nexus approach
- Strengthening rural communities in Peru with a WEF Nexus approach
Online events
- Online Event // Conversations for Inspiration: The Water, Energy Food Nexus (ES)
- Online Event // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Initiative for territorial planning. A policy dialogue to spark exchange

Nexus Regional Dialogue in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA)
- Factsheet (Phase II)
- Factsheet (Phase I)
- WEF Nexus Farming: Upscaling Solutions for Small to Medium Scale Farms
- PV Roadmap initiative in Jordan 2-pager
Capacity Development
- Training Slides // Urban Nexus in the MENA Region
- The 3-day training (webinar) “The water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: from research to practice” (Training slides + recording)
- MENA Policy Brief Series // The WEF Nexus in the Arab Region (2016)
- National Guidelines Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus into Sectoral Policies and Institutions in the Arab Region (2017)
- Regional Policy Guidelines for Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Nexus (2017)
- Options for a Nexus Coordination Mechanism for the League of Arab States Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus into Sectoral Policies and Institutions in the Arab Region (2017)
- Project Report // Lessons Learnt Report from Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security (WEF) Nexus (2017)
- Final Report Mainstreaming the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus into Sectoral Policies and Institutions in the Arab Region (2017)
- Water–Energy–Food Nexus Assessment of Solar Energy Farming Interactions The Azraq Case in Jordan with Insights from India (2018)
- Nexus Country Profile Tunisia (2018)
- Nexus Country Profile Sudan (2018)
- Nexus Assessment // Study on the Synergies of the Water, Energy and Food Sectors in Sudan (2019)
- Étude Nexus Tunisie // Evaluation Nexus Interdépendances des secteurs de l’eau, de l’énergie et de l’alimentation en Tunisie (FR) (2019)
Excecutive Summary (EN) - Pompage Solaire // Investigation de l’impact des installations de pompage solaire sur la consommation d’eau et la situation socio-économique d’un agriculteur dans 3 zones pilotes au Maroc (2019)
- SPIS Study // Impact of Solar Pumping Irrigation Systems in Tunisia (FR)
Executive Summary (EN) - Climate resilient municipalities - Techno-Economic Study for a hydroelectric power plant at the Safa-Damour River in Lebanon and a short simulation video
- Nexus Farms - SDG Impact Report
- Nexus Farms - Market Feasibility Study
- Nexus Farms - Business Models
- Nexus Farms - Agriculture through the Integration of Water, Energy, and Food Sectors
- MINARET - Municipal WEF Nexus Project Proposals
Nexus Stories
- The Water, Energy, Food and Environment (WEFE) Nexus in Jordan governance: Building resilience and securing WEF in the present and the long run
- Embarking on a journey to upscale Nexus-Based Farming in Egypt
- Working towards climate resilient municipalities in the MENA region
- PV systems for the water sector: Increasing energy efficiency while combating water scarcity in Jordan

Nexus Regional Dialogue in the Niger Basin
- Factsheet Phase I
- Factsheet Phase II EN/FR
- Nexus Country Profiles for the Niger Basin (Phase I)
- 2-pager NBA Guidelines
- 2-pager 2iE
2IE Accelerator Programme
WEFE Nexus Guidelines developed for the Niger Basin Authority
- Report Institutionalisation of the WEFE Nexus in the Niger Basin
- NBA Guidelines EN / FR
- The Nexus Regional Dialogue Niger Basin (EN)
- The Nexus Regional Dialogue Niger Basin (FR)
- The Kollo Project (FR) / EN subtitles
Nexus Stories
- Empowering Women with the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Approach in Kollo, Niger (EN)
- Renforcer le pouvoir d'action des femmes grâce à l’approche Nexus Eau-Énergie-Sécurité Alimentaire (EESA) à Kollo au Niger (FR)
- Nexus Guidelines successfully approved and adopted by the Niger Basin Authority (EN)
- Les lignes directrices Nexus ont été approuvées et adoptées par l'Autorité du Bassin du Niger (FR)

Nexus Regional Dialogue in Southern Africa
The SADC Regional WEF Nexus Framework
- Presentation about the SADC Governance Framework
Nexus Stories
- Optimising WEF nexus projects in Southern Africa
- Improving communities by ensuring access to clean water in Zambia and Malawi