اكتشف كيف يمكن للترابط بين أمن المياه والطاقة والغذاء أن يُحْدث تحولاً في العالم!
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تخضع منصة موارد الترابط للتطوير الاستراتيجي والفني المستمرين.
Article // The FE²W Network - Review and Outlook
This is a summary of a prospectus by the Food Energy Environment Water Network (www.fe2wnetwork.org) which has been reposted here with their friendly…
Article // Alternative water resources and the illusion of control
This article originally appeared on the MAGIC Nexus website (https://magic-nexus.eu/) and has been reposted here with their friendly permission. By…
Article // The power of best practice WEF Nexus cases
This article was originally published on the IUCN website (iucn.org) and has been re-published here with their friendly permission. It deals with the…
Case study // Solving water problems or creating a new one?
This article was originally published by MAGIC Nexus (magic-nexus.eu) and has been re-published here with ther friendly permission. It gives on…
Policy Brief // Understanding the water-energy-food nexus in a warming climate
This article was originally published by Carbon Brief (carbonbrief.org) and has been re-published here with their friendly permission. By: Prof…
Nexus Blog // Saving Water in Irrigation
By A. Vargas, R.J. Hogeboom & J.F. Schyns. This study aims to assess the consistency of a number of innovations that influence water savings in…
Policy Brief // Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus
This paper delivers an introduction towards the different stages and benefits given by an assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus, with…
Policy Brief // Increasing welfare in the Sava countries through a transboundary nexus approach
By UNECE. This paper proposes several solutions towards intersectoral challenges identified in the Sava River Basin.
Online Event // How to model energy and water linkages using LEAP and WEAP
In this webinar, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) scientists explain how to use SEI’s two flagship modelling tools for integrated analyses of…
Policy Brief // Introducing Societal Metabolism Analysis via ‘MuSIASEM'
By Kerry A. Waylen, Kirsty L. Blackstock, Keith B. Matthews, Mario Giampietro. This paper introduces the Societal Metabolism Analysis, which is at…
Policy Brief // Sharing societal metabolism insights with European Policymakers: Main messages for policy makers
Blackstock KL, Matthews KB, Waylen KA, Juarez-Bourke A, Miller DG, Wardell-Johnson D, Guimarães-Pereira A, Cadillo-Benalcazar J, Kovacic Z, Renner A,…
Policy Brief // Europe’s contribution to the SDGs via Sustainable Agriculture
Kerry A. Waylen, Kirsty L. Blackstock, Keith B. Matthews, Alba Juarez-Bourke (The James Hutton Institute). This policy brief highlights how actions…
Publication // Management of transboundary water resources in the Danube and the Sava River Basins
By Aksulu Kushanova (CAREC). This study conveys knowledge and information on the management of transboundary water resources by acknowledging the…
Policy Brief // European Agriculture: Is it possible to promote both competitiveness and environmental sustainability?
Kerry A. Waylen, Kirsty L. Blackstock, Keith B. Matthews, Alba Juarez-Bourke, Mike Rivington, Dave G. Miller, Doug Wardell-Johnson (The James Hutton…
Publication // RE-thinking Access to Energy Business Models: Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Marco Aresti, Amy Barclay, Paolo Cherubini, Olivier Dubois, Florent Eveillé, Davide Fioriti , Valeria Gambino, Christian Gertig, Andrés González…
كن جزءًا من عالم الترابط وساهم بموردك
نهيب بنشطاء الترابط للانخراط والمساهمة في مركز معارف الترابط. املأ هذا النموذج، وحمِّل مقالك، وخصص العلامات المناسبة. شكرًا جزيلاً على المساهمة في مركز المعارف ونشر موارد الترابط.