Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 10 - Supporting WEF Nexus research and innovation in the EU-MPC region
This tenth session of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus webinar series presents perspectives on research and innovation from two projects applying the WEF Nexus into practice: PHEMAC and NEX-LABS.
June 17, 2021 | 13:00-14:30 GMT+2
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar series is organized by FAO, in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The series introduces nexus concepts and gives examples of current efforts and best practices in the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region and beyond. Through this series, participants will gain an understanding of the importance of nexus concepts and learn how to identify nexus challenges, as well as find appropriate nexus solutions to achieve sustainability, resilience, and water security. This series is developed under the regional project, "Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity and Water Sustainability in NENA countries" (WEPS-NENA) under the FAO led regional Water Scarcity Initiative (WSI). This project is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Session Description
In this webinar, two support perspectives are presented aiming to demonstrate the WEF Nexus in practice. The first comes from the ongoing PHEMAC (Participatory hub for effective mapping, acceleration and capitalization of EU-MPC NEXUS best practices) project, showing the opportunities offered by the interactive iHub platform and its different modules to stimulate the visibility and use of NEXUS R&I results connecting the NEXUS stakeholders’ demand and offer. The second, from the ongoing NEX-LABS project illustrates opportunities to motivate entrepreneurial attitudes of Nexus stakeholders and young EU-MPC entrepreneurs to develop novel technologies or services to face Nexus challenges, productivity enhancement programmes to strengthen Nexus value chains through different options of vouchers and grants or tools to identify regional Nexus stakeholders and scenarios as a result of future Nexus Driven Open Living Labs implementation derived from a Nexus Joint Action Plan.
The session will be presented by Dr. Gustavo Pérez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-UAB), Dr. Majid AlSadek (ECITD), Mr. Danilo Giacomi (NET7), Dr. Amr Radwan (ASRT), Dr. Rana El-Hajj (AUB), Ms. Krystel Khalil (BERYTECH) and Dr. Mohammed Aljafari (RSS). The session will be moderated by Prof. Manuel Valiente and Dr. Gustavo Pérez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-UAB).
Register here for Session 10 on Zoom.
Additional Information
For more information about the project WEPS-NENA:
- Contact: RNE-WEPS-NENA@fao.org
- Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)
- Water Scarcity Initiative
Previous Sessions
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 1 - Understanding the nexus and nexus challenges: Examples from the NENA region
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 2 - Tools and Methods to find Nexus Solutions: Examples from Morocco and Jordan
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 3 - A Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach for evaluating the sustainability of the Mediterranean Diet: The Case of Lebanon
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 4 - The WEF Nexus on the ground: practical applications from the Maghreb and West Africa
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 5 - Nexus and sustainability in theory and practice: Examples from Iran
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 6 - The WEF Nexus in practice: multi-scalar case studies and a WEF Nexus Index
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 7 - Selected experiences with WEF Nexus decision-making: applications in Jordan and Morocco
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 8: Securing Food sustainably: Business Cases of Nexus Innovation in the MENA region
- Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 9 - Selected experiences with WEF Nexus decision-making: an application in Jordan