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FowariM 2nd Summer School // "Circular Economy in the Water and Agriculture Sectors"

The 2nd FOWARIM Summer School will take place in Malta from 2 to 6 July 2018 at the premises of MCAST, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Come to debate the topic of circular economy in the water and agriculture sectors with a panel of international teachers, together with students, researchers and workers. 5 days of lessons, 2 field visits, networking lunchs and coffee breaks. Mixed activities and practices, including the creation of a business model with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method.

Logo fowarim fostering water agriculture resesarch and innovation in malta

The School has already received many applications! For this reason, a waiting list has been prepared. To add your profile to the waiting list fill in the form available online.

Course Description

The 2nd Summer School of FOWARIM aims, through the intervention of leading international experts, to demonstrate in a practical way the importance of technological innovation in agriculture towards a circular economy. The process of circular economy is intended as a way to achieve energy savings and important environmental benefits while at the same time to improve the competitiveness of companies/farmers by creating jobs at the local level and new opportunities for social integration.

The Summer School will follow a global methodology by fostering a participatory and practical approach of the students; and promoting interaction between students, farmers, and policy makers, in order to help attendees acquire useful and applicable knowledge for their professional developments. Two open-field visits are scheduled to understand how a farm is run through a circular economy and to exchange views with authorities in the water sector. To dynamic the training, a session will be dedicated to the creation of a business model with the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY methodology, an innovative tool designed to foster creativity and business performance through play.

Moreover, participants will be able to network with colleagues from different universities in Malta and exchange experiences with experts (both farmers, professionals and researchers). On completion of the course, each participant will receive a certificate of completion from Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology (MCAST).


The Summer School is divided into three modules:

1st Module: Water Management, Governance and Policy

Objective: Provide the participants with a clear snapshot of European Water Management, Governance and Policy in relation to the circular economy.
Methodology: Theoretical & practical approach, studying funded projects.

2nd Module: Innovative Water Technologies

Objective: Provide the participants with a clear snapshot of the most important and innovative Water Technologies related to the circular economy, examining the following ‘state-of-the-knowledge’ examples: Environmental Impact Assessment on Aquatic Media, Water and Energy, Water Reuse and Groundwater Restoration.
Methodology: Best practice approach in a circular economy in relation to water agriculture; Lessons learn from existing project results; Lab study visit; and Engagement with SMEs and civic society organizations.

3rd Module: Research and Innovation support to young researchers and SMEs

Objective: Provide participants with the concepts, methodologies and tools for improving their competitiveness within the circular economy and water sector. Particular attention will be given to IPR – Intellectual Property Rights and business models for water agriculture.
Methodology: best practice exercises and business case studies, including a visit to the Water Authority.

Practical Information

The FOWARIM Summer School is free of charge. The course language is English.
The summer school can host a maximum of 25 participants.

Training-related costs covered by the project include coffee-break refreshments, training materials, and travel costs for course-related site visits. The networking dinner scheduled for the last day of the School is also included. This will provide the opportunity to exchange opinions and engage in discussion.

Travel to and from the MCAST Main Campus and accommodation costs are not included.
For more information: Carmen Muñoz, cmunoz.efb@gmail.com or fowarim@gmail.com

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